Close the lungs and keep them closed to minimize VILI
COPD exacerbation management in ICU
Critical care management of subarachnoid hemorrhage
Determinants of cardiac output, basics and practice
Different Perspectives From The Globe On ICU Managment - I
Different Perspectives From The Globe On ICU Managment - II
Global perspective on critical care structure process and outcomes
How should clinicians respond to requests
How to improve sepsis mortality in low and middle income countries
Is CT scan always necessary in ARDS patients
LECTURE 1 - The drug choice for fever control in septic shock
LECTURE 2 - Hypothermia or Targeted Temperature Management
LECTURES 5 - Timing of enteral and parenteral feeding
LECTURES 6 - Nutrition in critically ill
Lung protection and recruitment strategies in ARDS
Non-invasive ventilation keys for success
Optimising antibiotic therapy in sepsis and septic shock
Oxygen - is there really any proof that it helps in TBI or stroke
Predicting cardiorespiratory instability
Quality control measures in the ICU
Sepsis a global threat
Severe traumatic brain injury key issues in the management
Shock monitoring and treating State of the art
Spontaneous breathing during mechanical ventilation
The driving pressure and lung stress in ARDS
Ultrasonography in the ICU the right ventricle under pressure
Ventilatory support with the high flow nasal cannula
VILI in emphysema ventilation strategies
Weaning failure from cardiac origin how to manage
What is new on the hemodynamic recommendations of the SSC new guidelines
Controlling MDR infections in ICU
Cytokine removal in sepsis
De-escalating antibiotic therapy and antibiotic
Death by resuscitation everything that can and will go wrong during CPR
Early start of RRT for AKI
Epidemiology and prevention of HAIs in ICU with limited resources
Fluid challenges from physiology to practical application
How much calories How much protein
How to manage the weak patient
Is there an optimal blood pressure target in septic shock
LECTURE 3 - Antibiotics the earlier the better
LECTURE 4 - Managing invasive candidiasis in the criticaly ill
LECTURES 7 - Current practice in mechanichal ventilation of ARDS patients
LECTURES 8 - Awake ECMO on the move to lung transplantation
Microcirculation basis of acute kidney injury
Non-invasive ICP as a valid alternative
Physiologic basis for volume responsiveness
PKPD in ICU a step forward on infection management
Quality improvement of sepsis care
Role of neuromonitoring in neurocritical care patients
Saline or balanced crystalloid solutions
ScvO2 a physiological transfusion trigger
The physiological basis for administering fluids
Understanding ICU acquired muscle weakness and autophagy
VAP_ Epidemiology and prevention with a worldwide strategy